Statusuri noi facebook si messenger

Cum functioneaza acest instrument de rotire a textului si intoarcerea lui cu partea de sus in jos? Programul JavaScript converteste caracterele si simbolurile pentru astfel incat acestea vor arata inversat si le veti putea copia usor si folosi ca si status la messenger , facebook sau chiar pe blogul dumneavoastra. Cele mai multe dintre caractere provin din “Latin Extended” si “International Phonetic Alphabet”. Din pacate, nu se pot intoarce numerele si listerele cu majuscula, deci acest instrument accepta doar litere mici. Aceasta pagina utilizeaza fontul “Arial Unicode MS”, pentru a afisa textul oglindit.
Bucurati-va de acest truc pe forumurile de internet, bloguri, messenger, facebook si chat !

Cum sa scrii invers?
Introdu textul in casuta de mai jos si converteste-l !

Scrie invers si fii cool cu noul status facebook !

Statusuri de facebook si yahoo messenger.

1. In caz de al III -lea razboi mondial , femeile ar primi pusti iar barbatii pustoaice
2. M-am nascut sa fac fitze … Nu sa le suport pe ale altora …
3. Sunt foarte fericit… Nu-mi deranjati fericirea
4. Am draci….caut exorcist.
5. Exista o lume mai buna…….. dar este foarte scumpa.
6. Mai available ca oricand!
7. Invisible… pentru idiotii cu intrebari stupide…
8. Daca n-ai avea picioare nu ai purta papuci…atunci de ce porti sutien?
9. DND violatorii vor fi impuscati. Supravietuitorii vor fi impuscati iar.
10. Hey am ceva ciudat in calculator. Ah, era poza ta.
11. Nu sunt anti-social, pur si simplu nu imi placi.
12. Nu sunt la comp pentru ca astept sa fii offline.
13. Oricine are dreptul sa fie prost, dar si abuza de acest privilegiu.
14. La pescuit…Nu deranjati si nu dati BUZZ cã-mi speriati pestii
15. Adevarul n-are pretz, de-aia n-am de-ales si-tzi vand minciuni
16. Sunt perfect sanatos…mi-au spus vocile.
17. Munca nu a omorat niciodata pe nimeni……dar de ce sa risti?
18. Daca femeia ar fi buna, si Dumnezeu ar avea una.
19. Viatza asta e d kkt, iar tu esti plin de viatza.
20. Lui Dumnezeu ii plac nebunii si prostii… daca nu-i placeau nu facea atat de multi!!!
21. Am avut o noapte ALBA! Sper sa nu am o zi NEAGRA!!!
22. Am citit ca tutunul dauneaza grav sanatatii…Asa ca m-am lasat de citit!
23. Planeta e plina. Du-te acasa.
24. Poate sunt grasa, dar tu esti urat. Macar eu pot tine dieta.
25. Spre deosebire de tine, eu am o viata.
26. Stai…incerc sa mi te imaginez cu personalitate.
27. Stii rutina… Tu imi scrii mesaj…si eu il ignor.
28. Sunt oameni prosti pe lumea asta. Tocmai m-ai ajutat sa realizez asta.
29. Daca iti este foame – mananca sare : o sa-ti fie sete !
30. Daca o pasarica ti-a soptit ceva… atunci inseamna ca ai inebunit pentru ca pasarelele nu vorbesc.
31. Ignoranta ta ma omora…..mai bine ma omor eu inainte sa ma prinda ea……
32. Nu beau, nu fumez, ma scol la 6 in fiecare zi, ma culc la 10, nu-mi insel nevasta…. da’ si cand ies din inchisoare.
33. Ultimul care m-a deranjat e inca dat disparut.
34. Azi am avut o zi porno – am fost abuzat de profi, si din fata, si din spate!
35. A gresi este omeneste…totusi, a da vina pe altul este si mai omeneste.
36. Cel mai important nu este sa stii … mai important este sa ai telefonul celui care stie.
37. Este bine sa lasi bautura … insa rau este sa uiti unde ai lasat-o.
38. Am nevoie de tine…….te vreau…..OFFLINE.
39. Am voie sa vorbesc doar cu OAMENI.
40. Daca as putea fi cineva….cu siguranta nu as fi tu.

Statusuri de facebook si yahoo messenger in engleza

1. ʎɐqǝ uo pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ʎnq ı ǝɯıʇ ʇsɐן ǝɥʇ sı sıɥʇ
2. Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to reveal today’s status.
3. What do I do when I see someone EXTREMELY GORGEOUS? I stare, I smile & when I get tired, I put the mirror down!
4. ¡ǝɯıʇ ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ ʇɐ ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ǝsn puɐ puɐʇspuɐɥ ɐ op ʎןןɐuıɟ uɐɔ
5. feels like getting some work done…and so he is sitting down until the feeling passes.
6. is color blind and trying to solve a Rubik’s cube… This could take a while…
7. dreams of a better world…where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.
8. is proud of herself. She finished a jigsaw puzzle in 6 months and the box said 2-4 years.
9. doesn’t suffer from insanity… he enjoys every minute of it.
10. is wondering where Noah kept woodpeckers on his ark.
11. whoever says paper beats rock is an idiot. Next time I see someone say that I will throw a rock at them while they hold up a sheet of paper
12. Good morning…I see the assassins have failed.
13. Be nice to nerds, chances are you will be working for them.
14. would rather check her Facebook than face her checkbook.
15. believes that if you tell your boss what you really think of him, the truth will set you free.
16. Don’t waste money on expensive i pods. Simply think of your favorite tune and hum it. If you want to “switch tracks”, think of another song you like and hum that instead.
17. is “writing this to entertain the losers who take the time to actually read what others “”status”” is”
18. Most of us can keep a secret. It’s the people we tell it to who can’t.
19. My favorite mythical creature: The Honest Politician.
20. The winner of the rat race is still a rat.
21. Teenagers drink twice as much as they did 10 years ago. Mind you, they were only aged between 3 and 9 ten years ago.
22. I have to take my paycheck to the bank. It’s too little to go by itself.
23. The day when Youtube, Facebook & Twitter combine to form “YouTwitFace”
24. Why must the phrase, “It is none of my business” always be followed by, “but”?
25. is getting a grip on reality..and choking it to death.
26. is out making some changes in his or her life…leave a message and I’ll get back to you. if I don’t return your message you are one of the changes!
27. is’s everyone else that’s weird.
28. is proof that God has a sense of humor…
29. is rejecting your reality and substituting it with his own.
30. is thinking so what if Jesus turned water into wine… I turned a whole student loan into beer once. Your move, Jesus.
31. is joining the army. He hears it’s a great way to meet people. Then kill them.
32. is tired of chasing his dreams. I’m just going to ask where they are going and hook up with them later.
33. ʇxǝʇ uʍop ǝpısdn sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ oʇ ƃuıʎɹʇ ʞɔǝu ɹnoʎ ʞɐǝɹq ʇ,uop
34. When God asks what you’ve done with your life, try not to say “Didn’t you read my tweets and FB posts?

Statusuri messenger, facebook si forum ASCII

Nota: Chiar daca unele par putin deformate , atunci cand veti da copy/paste vor fi afisate bine pe wall Facebook

1. ★ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ★ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ★ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ★

2. Facebook ASCII status – palmier


3. Facebook ASCII status – La multi ani!

Time to Get DRUNK!!!!!!!!

4. Facebook ASCII status – Dragon

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .^\.. .^.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ./.\\../.\.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. /.. \\/.. \.. .. ..|\____/|.. ..
.. *__*.. .. .. ././.|.\\.. .\.. .._/..O..O \.. ..
.. |.. /.. .. .. ./../..|.. \\..\.. _V.\.. ..\../.. ..
. /./\/.. .. .. /.. /.. |.. .\\..\..\/.. .’@__@.. ..
/../.. .. .. /.. ./.. .|.. ..\\._\-/.. .. .| U.. .. ..
|..|.. .. ./.. ../.. ..|.. .. \\\_/.. .. ..|.. .. .. ..
\..|.. ../_.. ../.. .. |.. .. .\\..).. \._|_._.. .. ..
\.. \.. .. .~-./_._.. .|.. ..-.;.(..\_._._,. \’.. ..
~.. .~.. .. .. .. .-~-.|.-*.. .. _.. .| .. {-/.. .. .
.\.. .. ~-.._..-~.. / .. .. .. .. \..*/ .. ./|\’.. .. .
..\.. .. .. .. .. .. .}.. .. .. .. ..{../.. .. .. .. .. .
.. ~\. .. .. .. .. .. ‘-/.. .. ../.. \– — –._. .. .. .
.. ..~\ _._._._._. /.. .. ..>\_-_-_-_-.\\\.. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .^}_._._._._._._.-\\\.. .. ..

5. Facebook ASCII status – Unicorn

.. .. .. .. .. ..»../
.. .. .. .. ..{/..*. `;
.. .. .. .. {/…./`´
»~ ( ¯..).. _.)
.. ..| ../.. ‘|.|
.. ..|. |_ ..| /

6. Facebook ASCII status – Tweety

´´¶¶´´´´´ ´´´´¶´´¶´´´´´´´´´´¶

7. Facebook ASCII status – Cool


8. Facebook ASCII status – Foot print ( urme de talpi )


9. Facebook ASCII status – Imi pare rau ca te-am lasat gravida

_____****__________**** ___
___***____***____***__ *** ____
_***______SORRY FOR______***_

10. Facebook ASCII status – Este fata/baiat ?



11. Facebook ASCII status – I love you babe

__III_______OXoXoO______Y___ O___O__U___U
__III________OXoO_______Y___ O___O__U___U
IIIIIIIIIII______ oO________Y____OOO___UUUU


12. Facebook ASCII status – Om


13. Facebook ASCII status – Penis

…………..}…….! !…..{


14. Facebook ASCII status – Mers egiptean

. |_|_
. . .| .|_
. ../\
. ./ .\

. . (”- _
. ._|_|
_|. |
. ../\
. ./ .\

15. Facebook ASCII status – Inima

___xxx pass xxxxxx___xxxxxxxxxxxxx
___xxxxxxx the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
_____xxxxxxxxx heart xxxxxxxxxxx
_________xxxx to xxxxxxxxxxx
_____________xxxxx all x
_______________the x
__x about x
____xx the xx

16. Facebook ASCII status – Dragoste


17. Facebook ASCII status – Paste Fericit

_______##### Paste Fericit !

18. Facebook ASCII status – Doar sa te salut

¸.·´… ¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´ ¸¸.·¨¯`·….*-:¦:-♥
Am trecut pe aici
Doar sa te salut !

19. Facebook ASCII status – Inima / dragoste

¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ´¶¶¶¶¶

20. Facebook ASCII status – un zambet / Smiley

Doar vroiam sa iti aduc pe wall un zambet !
^^^^^^^^#####################^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^#######^^^^^^^^^^^^######^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^#####^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^######^^^^^^ ^^^^####^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#####^^^^^ ^^^####^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#####^^^^ ^^####^^^^^####^^^^^^^^####^^^^^###^^^^ ^^###^^^^^######^^^^^^######^^^^####^^^ ^####^^^^^######^^^^^^######^^^^^###^^^ ^###^^^^^^^####^^^^^^^^####^^^^^^####^^ ^###^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^###^^ ^###^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^###^^ ^###^^^^##^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^##^^^^^###^^ ^###^^^^###^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^##^^^^####^^ ^####^^^^###^^^^^^^^^^^^^^###^^^^###^^^ ^^###^^^^####^^^^^^^^^^^####^^^^####^^^ ^^####^^^^######^^^^^######^^^^^###^^^^ ^^^####^^^^###############^^^^#####^^^^ ^^^^####^^^^^###########^^^^^#####^^^^^ ^^^^^#####^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^######^^^^^^ ^^^^^^#########################^^^^^^^^

21. Facebook ASCII status – Sexy


22. Facebook ASCII status – Un mic iepuras.

(-_- )
(”) (”)

23. Facebook ASCII status – O barca

…………| \
…\___ O BARCA_____/

24. Facebook ASCII status – Lalea

……… , . – -.- – . , …….
……… ) ` – . . – `(…….
…….. / . . . .`\. . .\ .. ……..
…….. |. . . . . |. . .| ………
……… \ . . . ./ . . / ………..
……….. `=(./.)=` ………..
…………. `-;`;-’ ………….
…………… || … , ………
……………..|| _.-’| ……….
………..|’-._ || . / ………
……. . ..\ . || .’ / …………..
……….. \ . || . /………….
…………. \.|| . /…….
………….. \.||./ …………..
…….. …….\||/……………
…………. …|| …………..
……………..|| …………..
……………..|| …………..
……………..|| …………..

25. Facebook ASCII status – Viermele de wall Facebook


26. Facebook ASCII status – Om in mers


27. Facebook ASCII status – Frunza de Marijuana


28. Facebook ASCII status – Sexy best friend

………||.^|=\\\ Beautiful
………))\_-_/ ((\ Intelligent
………)’_/.”.\_`\) Smart
……/./._.\…/…\ Sincere
….././(_.\x/._).| Kind
……\.\.)”.|.”(/./ Adorable
…….\.’…’.. //./ Ideal
……/………/./ Naughty
……|….__.\.\ Attractive
……|…/.\…\/ Sweet
……|..|…\.. \ Cute
……|..|…..\..\ Unique
……|..|……\..\ lovable
……|..|…….\..\ Understanding
……|..|……..\..\ & a Very Very
……|..|………\..\ AWESOME
…../__\……….|__\ Best Friend

29. Facebook ASCII status – Cutit


30. Facebook ASCII status – Chitara


31. Facebook ASCII status – Fumatul Ucide !


32. Facebook ASCII status – Pistol

…_…|..____________________, ,
……/ `—___________—-_____|]= = = = = D
…..), —.(_(__) /
….// (..) ), —-”

Facebook Symbols – Simboluri Facebook

Litere antice

ℬ ℰ ℯ ℱ ℊ ℋ ℎ ℐ ℒ ℓ ℳ

ℴ ℘ ℛ ℭ ℮ ℌ ℑ ℜ ℨ

Smileys – Zambete

☹ ☺ ☻ ت ヅ ツ ッ シ Ü ϡ ﭢ

Marca inregistrata si Copyright

™ ℠ © ® ℗


➀➁➂➃➄➅➆➇➈ ➉


Litere Alfabet



Vreme: soare, ploaie, zapada, temeperatura

☼ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☄ ☾ ☽ ❄ ☇ ☈
⊙ ☉ ℃ ℉ ° ❅ ✺ ϟ


☪ ✌ ☮ ♆ 卐


✡ † ☨ ✞ ✝ ☥ ☦ ☓ ♁ ☩


Ⓐ ☭ ✯

Gen, dragoste, inima

♥ ❤ ❥ ❣ ❦ ❧ ♡

♋ ♂ ♀ ☿ 웃 유

ღ ۵

Mesaje, text, scris

✉ ✍ ✎ ✏ ✐✑✒ ⌨


☑ ✓ ✔ √

X, Neverificat

☐ ☒ ☓ ✕ ✖ ✗ ✘ ✇


% ℅ ‰ ‱

Obiecte rotunde

❂ ○ ◎ ● ◯ ◕ ◔ ◐ ◑ ☢ ⊗ ⊙ ◘ ◙ ◍

Semnul intrebarii si al exclamarii

❢ ❣ ⁇ ⁈ ⁉ ‼ ‽ ! !

♥℘.s. Æ ℓ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥υ♥

New Update!!! Statusuri noi Facebook !

̿̿̿ ̿’ ̿’̵͇̿̿з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ this is a stick-up !



► PlayTheMoments ▌▌ PauseTheMemories ■ StopThePain ◄◄ RewindTheHappiness.

Cut here —————–✄———————-

♬ ♫ ♪ ılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılı ♪ ♫ ♬

Statistically, 132% of all people exaggerate.

Statistically 5/4 of people have trouble with fractions.

The most impressive thing about marathon runners is how they don’t check their phone for 3+ hours.

M̸o̸n̸d̸a̸y̸ T̸u̸e̸s̸d̸a̸y̸ W̸e̸d̸n̸e̸s̸d̸a̸y̸ T̸h̸u̸r̸s̸d̸a̸y̸ Friday!

My Chemistry teacher asked me if I know the symbol compound of sodium hydrogen. I said NaH.

World Population Rank: 1.China 2.India 3.Facebook 4.USA 5.MySpace 6.Indonesia 7.Brazil 8.Twitter

( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ )( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ )( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ )

☆:*´¨`*twinkle twinkle little star…point me to the nearest bar ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶*´¨`*:.☆

Alte curiozitati Facebook :

Cele mai populare nume de pe Facebook

Propune si tu un status!

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